To celebrate 10 years of our work, we are offering schools a FREE DAY of sessions.
Thanks to the generosity of Benefact Trust, schools can receive a 50-100% discount for NT sessions delivered by our experienced team.
We have a quick 3-step process for you to access up to £300 off your booking. That’s a full day for free.
Step 1 - Check the criteria & fill in the form below.
Step 2 - We’ll email to verify your discount & our availability.
Step 3 - If you are happy, confirm the booking.
It’s that easy.
1) Check the criteria for your discounted booking:
The booking is for a minimum of one year group. (We can see several year groups in a day if required.)
The booking is for a state-funded school.
The booking is for one of our listed lessons for KS3-5.
The booking will be delivered before the Easter Holidays 2025.
Any discounted sessions must be delivered in one day by one facilitator. Additional days and additional facilitators will not be eligible for the discount.
If your school is not eligible for this offer, do still make an enquiry here as we may have other subsidised options we can discuss.
2) Submit an enquiry form
Additional terms and conditions: Discounted bookings do not include travel expenses. All costs payable will be outlined before bookings are confirmed. Discounts will be given on a “first-come, first-served” basis; once all funding has been allocated the offer will end. In-person bookings will be prioritised but online sessions may be considered, particularly if travel costs are significant.