NT Session Costs
As a charity, we receive funding that enables us to offer all state school sessions at a subsidised rate.
Independent school sessions are offered at a non-subsidised rate.
HALF DAY | £225
FULL DAY | £300
Note: these costs do not include travel expenses.
We sometimes receive funding for specific regions - contact us to find out if your school may be eligible for further reductions to the prices listed above.
We are also able to provide live-streamed sessions for £100. Contact us if this would be of interest.
HALF DAY | £399
FULL DAY | £525
Note: these costs do not include travel expenses.
Independent schools are not eligible for our grant-funded subsidised rates. However, you will have access to our most experienced and specialist educators at a competitive rate based on your bespoke needs.
If it is of interest, we can conduct a consultation to assess the RSE outcomes your school is focused on and all sessions that we deliver can be tailored to your school and your pupils.
Find more information here.